The Stories that Shape Us – Introduction

Dear Folks -

This week in Ordinary Life we had the "Joyful Noise Singers" - a

group of precious 3 & 4 year-old children directed by Anna Teagarden

sing for us. What a wonderful experience. Our hope is to provide some

photos of this group on the Ordinary Life web site.

Then we heard from Nataly Negrete who directs the Rutabaga

Territory After School Program. She gave us an update on what is

going on with this program. Ordinary Life makes a significant ongoing

contribution to this vital program for "latch key" children who live

in the neighborhood surrounding St. Paul's.

Then I had just enough time to introduce the concept of how the

stories we are told and tell ourselves shape us. What remarks about

this I made can be found below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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