WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.158

What do a plant and a daily spiritual practice have in common?

(This is not a joke.)

They both heal from the inside.

This Sunday, in two different contexts, Bill and I will talk about “a daily spiritual practice” and its capacity to heal the self and the world. Using the Threefold Way as a context, I am talking about healing from the inside out. Bonaventure, considered the second founder of the Franciscan order, wrote about how one might come to know union with the divine. All the major spiritual traditions have a path of spiritual awakening whose aim is union, and each path incorporates practice. Practice helps us form habits, and habits ultimately change our behavior. Further, what we cultivate on the inside gets reflected on the outside.

Come see us this Sunday! Bill preaches in both services, and Holly will teach Ordinary Life. Until then, notice your habits and whether they are cultivating self-love and healing or self-judgment and harm. Just notice, for this is the first step toward healing.