Connect with us during the week By Listening to the WEekly podcast or by listening to the recorded Sunday lectures



Making the already sacred Journey Sacred

This is the current theme being taught in Ordinary Life. As our understanding of an infinite cosmos increases, how do we make sense of the sacred? What is our use for myth and ritual? Drawing upon wisdom from John Sanford, Frederick Beuchner, and Edward Edinger, the new theme engages with the importance of the interior journey, the one we make within and throughout a lifetime. Click here for the Livestream on Sundays at 9:45.

Photo from Carl Jung’s Red Book

Cultivating a daily practice

The principles of Ordinary Life lead to fullness. Not life without death or difficulty, for that's not life. Our goal is to BE in ordinary life. One can embody the principles by adopting a daily spiritual practice.

Rather than encouraging "right" beliefs that focus on the God "out there," spiritual practice connects us to the here and now. A common retort is, "I don't have time." But the fact is everyone meditates. The issue is about what and to what degree you exercise conscious control over a meditation practice. If you choose a path that enlarges your being and contributes to the common good in matters of inclusivity, peace, hope, and joy then you take up a practice that "meditates" on these matters. 

Check out the RESOURCES tab for more.

Image form Unsplash by Israel Palacio


The teachings of Ordinary Life aim to help us live into more wisdom and compassion, to move beyond dualism into a greater sense of belonging and wholeness. We need these teachings more than ever in today’s fractured world, and Ordinary Life bridges psychology, spiritual practice, evolutionary cosmology, and religious literacy.

In addition to the Sunday lectures, which are uploaded to the podcast feed, we are hosting conversations between Holly Hudley, Bill Kerley, and others to talk about life “In Between” the no longer and the not yet. The weekly conversations probe a little deeper and often more playfully into the threads from which Sunday lectures are woven. You can access the weekly podcast here on our web site as well as iTunes and Spotify.

Beautiful Rowdy Prisoners

The small man
Builds cages for everyone
He knows.
While the sage,
Who has to duck his head
When the moon is low,
Keeps dropping keys all night long
For the
