Learning to Stay

People have asked me why this gathering is called "Ordinary Life." Because it

is for "ordinary people" who are seeking to find happiness and peace in this life -

right here, right now - by following a spiritual path.

One of the ways we cause ourselves so much difficulty and so much

unhappiness in life is by believing and then living the belief that we are not just

"ordinary people." Living a life of freedom and love is not just for a special few. A

life of freedom, love and compassion is for anyone who, with patience and

persistence, practices what is called in the Judeo-Christian tradition "the

presence of God." All we have to do is do the work that allows our true nature to


I'm not meaning to imply that this work is necessarily easy. But it is natural.

And, it is simple. It is simple in that all we have to do is simply get out of our own

way and usual way of being.


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