Finding Freedom

Dear Folks -

   The folks who post the text and the audio to the Ordinary Life website are still trying to catch up in their postings. Their hope is that this will take place this week.

   This week I gave a talk I called "Finding Freedom." I based much of my remarks on a tale from the Sufi tradition about a man who had been unjustly imprisoned finding a way to freedom. The story is a great metaphor for the spiritual and psychological work we have to do to find answers to the questions: Who am I and what am I to do? I also talk about a technique of psychotherapy I learned from some Buddhist teachers. As we continue to explore the deeper meanings of the principles of "ordinary life," we must be ever-vigilant about three things: honesty about Jesus and the Bible, what it means to live contemplatively, and issues of peace and justice.

   As is often the case, I think the spoken version is better than the text. Nonetheless what follows is the full text that I used for the talk.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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