Religiosity on Life Support ~ Rev. Shelli Williams

This Sunday we welcome guest speaker, Rev. Shelli Williams, Minister for
Adult Education and Executive Director of St. Paul's Methodist
Foundation of Houston. After a 16-year career in oil & gas accounting,
Rev. Williams entered seminary and is now an ordained United Methodist
Minister. After serving as an intern at First United Methodist Church,
Missouri City, Shelli was appointed to St. Paul's in 2004. She
provides a unique combination of professional expertise as Executive
Director of St. Paul's Methodist Foundation of Houston.

Shelli grew up in Katy, Texas, where she was a fifth-generation
"Katyite" and a fifth-generation United Methodist. While
growing up, Shelli was part of several area United Methodist churches
where her mother served on staff as a Director of Christian Education.
She has combined lessons learned at the "knee of the expert"
with her own seminary training to further establish St. Paul's at
the forefront of Adult Christian Education.

Shelli holds a B.B.A. in Accounting from The University of Texas at
Austin and an M.Div. from Perkins School of Theology at Southern
Methodist University in Dallas, where she graduated magna cum laude.
She currently serves on the Perkins Alumni Council and is a member of
the Texas Conference's Board of Ordained Ministry as well as the
Committee on the Status & Role of Women. Shelli also serves as a mentor
for ministerial candidates in our Conference.

For Sunday, Shelli is speaking about "Religiosity on Life Support". In
this time when so many claim to be "spiritual but not religious", what
does it mean to be religious, to claim that you believe? Can you claim
religiosity and not be forced to relinquish your spirituality? Can they
even exist together? Or, possibly, do they deeply and desperately need
each other to survive?

Be ready to share and discuss your thoughts on this compelling topic!

Be Well,


Click here to Download Rev William's outline:  Religiosity on Life Support.pdf


Click here to Download audio 20100613.mp3