Give It A Rest

Dear Folks -


Jesus said to his critics when accused to breaking the law: "The Sabbath was made to serve us and not we it."


We are invited to take a rest and put down our burdens.


We are weary because we live at such a distance from who are and what we are to do.


That's a brief summary of what the "life talk" I gave this week is about.


The full text I used is below. The audio version, to be found on the Ordinary Life website, is somewhat different. You can find the presentations slides I used on the website as well.


Much love,


Bill Kerley


To download the text in pdf format click here Download 7:15:12 - Summary


To download the presentation slides click here  Download 7:15:12 - Give It A Rest.key


To download the audio of the talk in Mp3 format click here Download 20120715 - Mp3