Presentation by Dr. Jim Bankston - June 9, 2013

Dear Folks -


This past week in Ordinary Life Dr. Jim Bankston, the retiring Senior Minister of St. Paul's, spoke to us. It was a time for him to say farewell in a more personal manner to the class and for us to surprise him with a gift to a scholarship that has been established in his honor.


There is no text of his talk but a link to the audio is below.


In the introduction I referred to a clip of a video that we played that powerfully demonstrates Jim's integrity. The audio of that was not recorded. I highly encourage you to contact St. Paul's either by phone, 713-528-0527, or via the internet,, and order the video of that service. It costs $10 and is perhaps one of the best things of its kind I have ever seen. You won't be disappointed, I promise.


Also, on May 27 Dr. Bankston spoke at the Breaking the Silence Gathering. Although there is no text of that talk either, there is a YouTube video available and I encourage your watching that as well. Please pass this on to others. Here is the link to that video -


The link to the audio of the talk the Rev. Terry Thompson gave in the Ordinary Life Gathering is also below.


Several people have asked for the content of the announcement slides that are shown at the beginning of Ordinary Life. They change, for the most part, every week. But they do contain the teaching points and goals of Ordinary Life - as well as some cool optical illusions. A link to these is also below.


Much love,


Bill Kerley


To download the audio of Dr. Bankston's talk click here Download 20130609 - mp3


To download the audio of Terry Thompson's talk click here  Download 20130602


To download the announcement slides click here 
Download Announcements Presentation