Michael Morwood: Reshaping Religious Imagination and Thinking

Dear Folks -

On June 3 of this year, 2019, Michael Morwood spoke at St. Paul’s. His topic was “Reshaping Religious Imagination and Thinking.” Over two hundred people gathered to hear him and many others were able to “participate” in the evening through the miracle of live streaming.

We have no text of his remarks to publish nor do we have a pdf of his slide presentation. What we do have is both the audio and video of that evening.

Michael made two forty-five minute presentations back-to-back. Then, the two of us had a dialogue. Some of that was based on written questions that had been submitted by the attendees.

Everyone agreed that his presentation was, as one person put it, a “home-run.” I am pleased, thanks to the work of Tim Leatherwood, to make available both the video and the audio of the evening. Enjoy!

Much love,

Bill Kerley.

Use the links below to download, listen to or view the presentation of Michael Morwood.

Use the player below to listen to the talk.

To watch the video of the presentation, click on the player below.