WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.159

We are tussling through the book What to Believe by John Caputo. It contains 12 lessons on deconstructing and reconstructing ideas about God. He starts by talking about what he’s carrying in his religious satchel as he engages this conversation. He grew up Catholic, wanted to enter the priesthood, and at some point went, “Wait, what? Who is this God i am asked to belive in?”

Bill is further along in the book than I am, but he keeps dropping seeds, one of which is: “The event by which I become myself and the event by which God becomes God are the same.” Co-evolution. Very Meister Eckhart-y. There is no elsewhere to go but right here, inside and in between. It relates, I think, to healing from the inside out. Zooming way out, I want to hope that evolution - in which we participate - is heading toward union. When I zoom in it is hard, at times, to separate the hurtful, divisive acts of our very human existence from that hope for union. And yet, these are the opposites to hold!

Thanks for listening!